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A DuVersity Seminar


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Seminar commences with dinner Thursday, October 26 at 6:00 pm ET and ends after breakfast Monday, October 30 at 11:00 am ET.

Enacting Reality participants

Claymont Retreat Center

April 2023


This seminar, on the potential of Theatre of the Fourth Way, is a continuation from Enacting Reality, held April 2023, but with new ingredients. The central thesis is that the Fourth Way as initiated by Gurdjieff has buried in it a strong drive towards innovation in the arts, particularly theatre. Great directors such as Jerzy Grotowski and Peter Brook attest to this.


Gurdjieff’s pupil Orage did much to influence contemporary writing and wrote a seminal article called A Theatre for Us, expressing the idea of a theatre based on the transformational psychology of Gurdjieff and others. We call this idea Third Force Theatre to attest to a dramatic form that goes beyond dualities such as tragedy and comedy to a third kind of manifestation that can combine passion and ideas.


As before, we will include the practice of ‘instant improvisation’ as Gurdjieff portrayed in his magnum opus Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson in which he speaks of the Saturday nights in ancient Babylon involving the ‘adherents of legominism’ who created the art of theatre. We will also connect with the story Gurdjieff tells in Meetings with Remarkable Men of his father and the priest Father Borsh challenging each other to speak directly in the present moment.


We will be using material from Gurdjieff’s writings, particularly Meetings with Remarkable Men, to construct and perform stories and events. It is by performing such texts that we can be enabled to understand them more deeply. Third Force Theatre includes the drama of ideas and connects with recent work on the expression of scientific ideas through dance.


Though most of the seminar will be practical, working and playing together as a group, it will also include theoretical elements to do with how dramas are constructed. We will investigate Shakespeare’s King Lear and also the thinking behind John Bennett’s idea of the Dramatic Universe.


Of primary concern will be the appreciation of the power of speech and its essential role in creativity and mutual understanding. The seminar will include an introduction to Anthony’s techniques of N-logue that explore patterns of conversation.


The seminar is challenging but not in the sense of professional acting. The challenge is to awaken to new possibilities within ourselves. This cannot be guaranteed. It stems from the real world of continuous creation.


Cost:  $525/dormitory lodging (three to a room) - $625/single occupancy 

Fee covers Thursday night through Monday morning.  Meals are included in this price (dinner on Thursday, breakfast/lunch/dinner on Friday, Saturday, Sunday & breakfast Monday).  Linens and towels provided.


Travel Details:  Nearby airports are Bradley in Hartford, CT and Logan in Boston. There is an Amtrak station in Greenfield, MA.  Ride shares to and from airport and train station can be arranged in advance.  Contact  


To Register:

1.  Fill out registration form below. Type "registration" in the Subject field.

2.  Make payment at  Scroll down to "Donate" option on home page.  OR send check to:

Daniel Proudfoot

1538 Montgomery Rd

Bellaire, MI 49615




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